Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Clothes Airer
If you are on the hunt for a new clothes airer then it is a good thing that you ended up here!
We have the access to some of Australia’s most popular clothes drying lines as well firsthand knowledge on extremely popular and well-renowned brands such as Hills, Daytek, Eco, Evolution, and many others! This gives us the unprecedented advantage of providing you with very helpful insight if you are looking for a brand new clothes airer for use in your home.
If you are also looking for information on a clothes drying rack, checkout this article on the Best Clothes Drying Rack Options in Australia
We will talk about the difference between brands, types and models, as well as some healthy dash of wisdom here and there to ensure that you get the most out of your clothes line.
In this article we have decided that these are the talking points we will focus on based on the queries we have received and keep receiving from our customers:
► Locations for Use
► Styles/Types of Clothes Airers Suitable for Your Requirements
► Construction/Materials to Consider to Ensure Reliability
► Clothes Airer Brands That are Worth Every Penny
► Installation/Assembly Process (Because ease of use matters!)
► Electric or Heated vs Non-Heated Clothes Airers
► Accessories to Make the Most Out of Your Clothes Airer
Clothes Airer Location
Many of us use clothes airers indoors since it is obviously convenient and why not? [Depending on the season] It is a good way to keep the cooled air inside your home from drying too much.
They also works great in winter time when it is technically impossible to dry clothes outdoors, an added bonus is the peace of mind knowing that your clothes are protected in case the rain starts pouring.
The only caveat to this is if you are not able to control the humidity level indoors, not only will this affect the drying time of your garments, but it can also pose health risks via mould growth and the possibility of stinky clothes due to excessive exposure to moisture for long periods.
Drying clothes indoors using clothes airers also mean you consume space inside the home which is not at all ideal for many of us that do not have spacious abodes.
Using a clothes airer outdoors is a much better way to avoid most of the issues we have mentioned above, it keeps the air inside your house from getting stale, frees up indoor space, dries clothes faster, and helps keep unwanted smells from developing since bacteria does not stand a chance against the sun!
Covered outdoor areas are the best places to situate your clothes airer, perhaps underneath an eve? A covered patio? Under an awning? How about a garage with its doors left open? It is all up to you and since it is portable, you can even dry clothes in your balcony!
Before we move on to the next topic, it is best to determine how much drying line space you will require in a clothes airer.
Take a look at our size suggestion below so you can easily determine how much drying line space you need depending on the number of users in your household:
Clothes Airer for One Person
It is best to allot at least 12 to 13 metres of drying line space to ensure that you have plenty of room for not just clothes but curtains, beddings, and rugs.
Clothes Airer for Two or More
A clothes line that has at least 23 to 30 metres of line space is best suited for couples or families with one child, the extra space is most definitely needed since there is more rugs/towels to clean, multiple clotheslines will be best for faster drying of clothes.
Clothes Airer for Big Families
For four or more users, it is wise for you to choose a clothes washing line that has line space of around 45 metres at the bare minimum but we recommend 50 metres or more so. It is rare to find portable clothes airers with this much drying line space so a permanent solution will be best.
Clothes Airer Styles
There are a ton of choices when it comes to clothes airers, you do not have to limit yourself with just a few ones that may not actually work for your needs.
It is best to choose one you think you take full advantage of since this will also keep you from spending unnecessarily on another kind of clothes airer if the first one does not make the cut.
Here are types/style of clothes airers currently out on the market, some are more popular than the others so you may not be familiar with a few, take a look at the list below:
► Winged
► Rail
► Clothes horse
► Concertina
► Ceiling
► Tower / vertical
► Shelf Type
A winged washing line is basically a clothes horse that boast foldable arms which extend out the sides in order to accommodate more garments than a standard clothes horse can, most winged portable clotheslines don’t have wheels since they are mostly designed to be mobile only when folded.
Those of you who prefer the format of fold-downs but live in a rental/apartment that won’t allow permanent airers to installed due to specific restrictions, rail clothes airers are a good option since they take can be secured over railings/balustrades without much fuss.
A winged washing line is basically a clothes horse that boast foldable arms which extend out the sides in order to accommodate more garments than a standard clothes horse can, most winged portable clotheslines don’t have wheels since they are mostly designed to be mobile only when folded.
Rail clothes airers are a good option if you want big capacity without permanent installation since they can be secured over railings/balustrades without much fuss.
Clothes horses come in a variety of shapes and sizes and is basically the most popular type of portable clothes drying line, this basic clothes airer is a no-frill option for drying clothes anywhere you prefer albeit, they are best suited as an accessory to a full-blown clothesline.
The Concertina is one of the most space-saving type of clothes airer thanks to their accordion-like structure that consumes very little space, due to the vertical nature of its design, these things are best suited for drying short/small towels.
Ceiling clothes airers are the ultimate space-savers compared to all the other clothes airers, albeit, they require installation.
Installation is not something everyone wants to get involved with since it is not very easy to find a proper location with a solid mounting surface that can bear the weight of wet articles but they are very convenient to use since they are mounted via durable pulleys—hence, they can be easily raised or lowered.
Popular brands like Kitchen Maid boast cast-iron frames and solid wooden laths in various lengths as options, these things are made in United Kingdom and have quite the reputation for reliability and craftsmanship.
If you want a minimalist look instead of Kitchen Maid’s standard ceiling airer, you may opt for the Airaus with its European flair and sports a unique pulley system that allows you to raise or lower drying line you intend to work on.
Tower clothes airers are usually equipped with wheels for mobility and more often than not, sport height-adjustable shelves allows to dry many clothes in one sitting. Typical vertical clothes airers have are two or three-tiered offering unprecedented convenience compared to most clothes airers out there.
Some shelf type clotheslines come with metal, plastic, or typical clothesline cords, for such small designs keeping the whole structure stable with such limited support is a must in order to keep articles from sticking together or lines from sagging.
As a matter of fact, there is a possibility that the whole contraption will sag when fully loaded so it is wise to choose ones with rigid plastic/metal drying racks made of galvanised steel or stainless steel because they are significant factors in terms of the product's overall structural integrity.
Electric-powered ceiling airers are the kings of convenience, instead of fiddling with ropes, pulleys, and manually securing the airer via cleats, electric ceiling clotheslines make hanging and removing clothes a breeze since the whole thing (loaded or not) is raised or lowered with just the press of a button.
Another popular kind of clothes airer is the shelf type, these are one of the most common indoor clotheslines found in Australian households, one is the over door format that is literally hung over doors but may pose incompatibility if there is very little clearance between the door and the doorframe itself.
By design, they are very similar to tower/vertical airers but they sport a wider design, hence, makes it a lot more convenient to dry wide items like towels and rugs.
The over bath are basically bifold clothes airers with provisions that allow it to rest over the bath—perfect for very wet articles and keeping humidity under control by leaving the bathroom ventilation fan do all the work in terms of air movement, convenient but it can be a hassle if people use the bath frequently, not to mention, the very small capacity.
By design, they are very similar to tower/vertical airers but they sport a wider format, hence, makes it a lot more convenient to dry wide items like towels and rugs.
Some shelf type clotheslines come with metal, plastic, or typical clothesline cords, for such small designs keeping the whole structure stable with such limited support is a must in order to keep articles from sticking together or lines from sagging, as a matter of fact, there is a possibility that the whole contraption will sag when fully loaded so it is wise to choose ones with rigid plastic/metal drying lines made of galvanised steel or stainless steel.
Multi-level vertical portable clothesline that allows efficient use of space by drying tons of laundry within a very small footprint.
Requires sturdy supporting underneath the ceiling panels, great for saving space inside your home.
Similar to a clothes horse but with expanding arms to accommodate more garments.
Clothes Airer Construction/Materials to Look for
How much you are looking to spend on your clothes airer dictates the quality that you will get. Most companies make portable washing lines that are fashioned from galvanised steel that has been powder coated to resist premature rusting/corrosion.
Clothes airers fashioned from galvanised steel are more affordable but they will never be as good as their stainless steel counterparts since the latter are guaranteed to last a very long time regardless if they are used in homes near the beaches.
Some ceiling airers have cast iron frames to hold the wood or timber laths, while very durable due to its tensile strength and density, iron simply isn’t as good as galvanised and stainless steel when corrosive elements come into play but that doesn’t mean they won’t last!
Make sure to get one that has its frames treated with some sort of finish or ‘patina’ since these serve a huge purpose when you want a clothes airer that will last you for years upon years of fuss-free laundry drying experience.
If a very rust-resistant clothes airer is what you need but don’t want to spend a lot of your hard-earned money on a stainless steel one then aluminium is definitely the rout you want to take! It is cost-efficient, lightweight, and just as good as (if not better) at keeping rust at bay versus stainless steel and mostly galvanised steel.
The only caveat is aluminium simply isn’t as hard as its steel brethren so it won’t be as resilient to bumps, scratches, and tough jobs like its steel cousins.
Plastic clothes airers can be found everywhere and is pretty much unavoidable, depending on the brand and price range, even high quality plastic clothes airers can last quite a while, you will rarely find clothes airers that are fully constructed with metal anyways since clothesline companies need to make these mobile workhorses as light as possible without sacrificing structural integrity.
If you are the environmentally conscious type and prefer natural materials then look no further from bamboo clothes airers, these lightweight but durable clotheslines are both wallet-friendly, beautifully made, and gives you a sense of complacence knowing that it won’t do mother nature any harm should you decide to dispose of it in the future.
Now, as with any naturally-derived building materials, bamboo will eventually start to decompose after a couple of years unless you take care of your bamboo clothes airer by regularly airing it out and giving a good rub down of wood sealer or varnishing it every now and then.
Some Brands Are Popular for a Reason
Here at Lifestyle Clotheslines, the brands for portable/ceiling clothes airers that we carry are Hills, Austral, EcoDry, Airaus, and Kitchen Maid.
We do not offer too many models via our online clothesline store simply because we believe that having a clean and focused line of products to offer is the best way to help our customers. As a matter of fact, we only have a handful of portable indoor/outdoor clothes airers and the ones we have in our regiment are some of the most reliable portable washing lines out there with verified reviews to back up that claim.
Hills is known for its high quality rotary hoists and they have the expertise at engineering clothes airers that can withstand the test of time so you can never go wrong with any of their portable washing lines, EcoDry is a newcomer in the portable clothesline segment but has been making waves thanks to its brilliant design and impressive overall construction.
Airaus, Kitchen Maid, and Lofti are also quite popular clothes airer brands in Australia especially for their ceiling mounted models, these brands mostly specialise in ceiling clothes airers and our customers have nothing but good things to say about them and so do we!
Clothes Airer Assembly and Installation
If you are not the handyman type then we are sorry to break the bad news to you, you will most likely have to assemble your own clothes airer when it arrives at your doorstep but the really good thing is most manufacturers actually take into account the difficulty of putting together a sturdy portable laundry drying line so most have designed their products to be user friendly from the get go.
We have also made it easy for people who buy our clothes airers to gain access to installation/assembly of our products via our Knowledge Base which you can easily view online, if that still doesn't make the cut, you can ask us about sending someone over who can set up the whole thing for you!
Regardless if the clothes airer you chose is a portable that needs assembly, a ceiling or wall mounted folding clothesline unit, our team of highly trained clothesline installation experts will be more than happy to assist you with this.
Advantages of Simple Clothes Airers Versus Electric Clothes Airers
Clothes airers need not be complicated, all they need is a constant breeze and a bit of sunlight for them to do their magic, throwing in some heating elements and fans will surely help make the affair more quick and efficient but that also means there is a bigger chance for things to fail--not to mention, wastage of so much energy.
Also, it is worth mentioning that apart from significantly reduced reliability, heated clothes airers are a bit more expensive than standard clothes racks by around 20-30%, we are not discouraging you from getting an electrically heated clothes airer we are simply stating facts and there is a reason why we do not offer such products since we believe that reliability is the number one thing to consider when it comes to laundry drying lines.
So to sum it all up, try to avoid clothes airers that have the unnecessary bells and whistles that will eventually break down in the years to come. Not only is the upfront cost significantly higher than typical clotheslines, you will also have to spend more money just to dry clothes!
These things have very low wattage while the higher wattage ones consume just as much energy as tumble dryers with significantly smaller yields so you are better off using your tumble dryer in the first place!
Make Your Clothes Airer Better with Accessories
The best way to make the most out of your hard-earned money is to take full advantage of your clothes airer by using awesome tips and tricks as well as features that the manufacturers themselves have implemented into their products!
One good example is the loops provisioned between the legs of the Hills Portable 120 and 170, this gives you up to ten extra hanging space for shirts and other items that can be hung using a clothes hanger.
If you have a clothes airer that sports a polycord drying line then it would be wise to use one of these high quality Hills Clothes Pegs to keep your laundry from dropping down the middle which causes wrinkles, uneven drying, and longer than necessary drying time.
Some manufacturers even sell clothesline covers for their clothes airers which can protect your clothes from rain and sun's harsh ultraviolet rays--great way to preserve the colour of your garments!